United Methodist Men 
2nd Saturday of the Month at 8:00 AM
(Some months vary, be sure to check with the church office)
The United Methodist Men at Lanier UMC meet monthly to fulfill the mission of the North Georgia United Methodist Men's Mission. That mission is:
"To support spiritual growth among men, helping men to mature as disciples as they encourage spiritual formation in others."
Our meetings start with 30 minutes of fellowship over breakfast prepared by one of the men. Breakfast is followed by a formal meeting structured of reviewing old and new business directly related to the fulfillment of our mission. All men are welcome and encouraged to join us.
Mens Study Group
Every Sunday at 7:00 PM
Helping Men Grow In Christ, So Others May Know Christ.
Our group is committed to 8 points:
- Honor Jesus Christ
- Pursue Vital Relationships with other Men
- Practice Personal Integrity
- Build Strong Marriages and Families
- Support our Pastor and Church
- Demonstrate Biblical Unity
- Influence this Community
Questions? Contact the church office at 770-887-0615