Cross edited

Sunday Worship Services are at 9 and 11 a.m. 

We also offer a recorded video of the service which will be available later in the afternoon on our YouTube Channel, "LanierUMC Sermons".  Click Here to Go to LanierUMC Sermons You Tube Channel Now.

Continue reading to find out more about our regular Sunday services.



Regular Weekly Worship Services 

9:00 a.m. Sunday - Service of Holy Communion Every Sunday

11:00 a.m. Sunday - Worship Service - Holy Communion on the 1st Sunday of the Month

Our worship services are a blended style with contemporary praise music and hymns. There are traditional United Methodist worship elements incorporated into the services yet the order of worship is flexible with the leading of the Holy Spirit.  Most people dress casually. The pastor preaches in a more relaxed style. 

Children are welcomed in all worship services of Lanier Church.  Childcare is provided during both worship services for infants through 4 year olds. Our nursery is located at the end of the fellowship hallway.  K through fifth graders are welcome to accompany their families to worship or attend KID JAM located across from the nursery.  Children may be picked up from the classrooms located down the hall following the service.

We hope to see you here!


Holy Communion - On the first Sunday of each month we celebrate Holy Communion (aka. Lord’s Supper, Eucharist). All ages and all believers in Jesus Christ are welcome to participate. We use bread and grape juice to receive and remember our Lord.

Baptisms - We practice infant baptism and adult baptism. Both occur as part of the regular worship service. If you wish to baptize your child or be baptized yourself, please speak with the Pastor. If you are already baptized in a Christian denomination, we accept your baptism.